Argentina is the third largest economy in Latin America. Argentina has comparative advantages in sectors such as agro-business and technological services, with a high penetration rate in major international markets. Moreover, the country has Vaca Muerta, the second largest shale gas reserve in the world, and the fourth largest shale oil reserve. Another highlight
is the outstanding quality of its labor force.

Argentina´s population is largely young.

Argentina currently has 19 international trade agreements in force. Twelve of them were executed thanks to Argentine being part of the Mercosur (the trading block formed by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay), six of them were executed bilaterally and one upon entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The Rule of Law in Argentina is most clearly evidenced in the State’s separation of powers, the recognition of human rights and the system of checks and balances that balances and limits the authority of each of the three powers, as provided for in the National Constitution.
As a consequence, unlike the amendment of ordinary laws, constitutional reforms call for a special procedure and special majorities.

Foreign Direct Investment comes mainly from the following sources: Spain, USA, Netherlands, France.

Legal systems. Legal persons are defined as “all entities empowered by law with the ability to acquire rights and assume obligations in order to pursue the corporate purpose established when organized.” The corporate types are the following: Sociedad Anónima (Corporation), Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (Limited Liability Company), Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada (Simplified Corporation), Sociedad de Capital e Industria (Capital and Labor Partnership), Sociedad Colectiva (General Partnership), Sociedad en Comandita Simple (Limited Partnership), Sociedad en comandita por acciones (Limited Partnership with Share Capital).

Our law firm VLO provides legal services for corporate and private clients in Argentina. These services include mergers and acquisitions, business and debt restructuring, tax and tax disputes, corporate disputes, investments, bankruptcy, litigation and arbitration.

If you have questions, please us right now.

Legal services law firm in Argentina.